Sunday, November 13, 2011

It was just a slip but sometimes thats all it takes

Ah! Sipping on ice cold water with slices of lemon on a hot day = bliss and not to mention healthier than a glass of coke!

Now thats out of the way oh gosh what a couple of days I have had.....Where to begin...hmm.

Lets start with Friday!

Alarm goes off at 4.30am as I was going over with hubby to his place of work since it made it easier when he finished to get Tilly to her dance performance rather than have to do a double trip. All good! Well so I thought. I got to mums and before I knew it I had consumed 3 cups of tea with full cream milk (considering I drink my tea with lemon it was a change), had 2 slices of toast instead of my usual musli and it was all downhill from there. Before 10am I had already guzzled down 3 glasses of coke as well as chocolate and the list just went on. I felt like crap. At one point I even gave up. Everything just became to hard and my inner voice started its usual convincing talk of

"Why do this? Why keep getting up at 4.30am to go walking when you are getting minimal results? Why eat so healthy when you arent losing big numbers? Why count calories and watch what you eat when its easier to just eat what you want and not care?"

Its amazing isnt it how this little voice can be so convincing! I still had some fight though and tweeted:

"@12WBT @mishbridges Why do I sabotage so badly. Not even 10am & omg you can tell im not at home. No workout, junk food consumed #feelill"

Michelle replied "@cathperko @12WBT no beat ups. What's done is done, move on and back on track. Go for a walk or run to clear your head xxx"

I even had some amazing messages from the ladies here "lizzyaimee84 @cathperko @12wbt @mishbridges see? You got Mish love again! & if u check our FB group we all have your back! You know what to do! xxxx"

And countless messages from everyone on facebook. No matter where I went there were words of support and encouragement. It was so overwhelming. I couldnt avoid it and what it did do was help me fight that inner voice and get the afternoon back on track. I consumed bucket loads of water to try and flush the system as by this time my tummy was just churning.

I think I need to remember the following poster more often instead of looking for the 'easy' way out

Tillys dance performance was amazing! and I even turned down take out on the way home and instead opted to heat up a piece of Lasagne I had frozen from when I made it last week. Washed it down with a cup of tea (with lemon of course!) and went to bed.

Saturday Morning!

Alarm went off at 4.45am and I was out the door by 5.10am! I had my bounce back in my step once again and kept thinking over and over of all the words of encouragement I had got. I even returned from my run with a tweet from Lizzy: "@cathperko @12wbt @mishbridges I was trying to negotiate staying in bed - ur tweet has kicked my butt into gear! #CrackofArse here I come" Made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Reading back on facebook there were words such as "you can do this!, you are my inspiration!, dont give up now you have come so far!". It made me realise how important this program really is. I think this is why I keep coming back but this time I am achieving, I am doing the right thing (most of the time) and as hard as it is to accept, maybe, just maybe I am inspiring to someone out there.

After my morning walk, I came home and relaxed till it was time to take Tilly to her afternoon performance. I had put my name down for backstage help and OMG I am so glad I did although still exhuasted today.....haha. It is so full on and time just flies! 3 hours I was back there and in 2 hours I had burnt close on 1600 calories. Added with the mornings effort and I was over 2000 for the day! I think I know now why dancers are so fit! They are not just amazing to watch on stage, these girls are in a dance, and have to get changed and back on stage for the next one. Its constant flow is amazing to see. One mistake though could see the whole plan come undone. I think some of these mums have been doing this for many years and its just habit now.

Anyhow, other than my downward spiral on Friday morning, the words of encouragement from some amazing ladies and Michelle helped me pick myself back up again by lunchtime. It has taught me though that being organised is so important. I thought it would be ok to just go and plan there but no way does that work. Not even a little bit.

Good luck to all you amazing ladies. Those who sent me their wishes and gave me a push back in the right direction when I had swayed....

THANK YOU! (you know who you all are)

Mwah! Now bring on week 8!

Cath xoxo

PS Thank you Lizzy for hunting me down everywhere on Friday. You cant begin to imagine how helpful it really was :) xoxo

1 comment:

  1. It may only be my second round - but I realise its the team effort that makes this program work! And I know if I was going through something similar that you would have my back! So glad to see we were able to nip it in the bud quick smart!
    Lizzy xx
