Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fitness Test & before pic = DONE!

Well it is that time again where we all get in & see how fit (or unfit) we are! This is also a benchmark for showing how far we have come in the 12 weeks as well :) Also, for the first time in 3 rounds I took a before picture! I am not going to put it up here but those of you in the 12WBT challenge can see it in the measure up forum! Now I will be able to truely see how far I go :)

So onto the working part of the blog.....THE RESULTS!

1km Time trial - 6 minutes 45 secs. (almost 7 months ago this was 7 mins 55)
Wall Sit = 1 minute 58 seconds (almost 7 months ago this was 30 seconds)
1 minute push up test - 22 pushups on my knees (almost 7 months ago this was 12 pushups on knees)
Ab Stage - Level 3 (almost 7 months ago I was at level 2. I did manage to get up to level 5 but have gone backwards in core strength from pure laziness!)
Sit & Reach - +5 (almost 7 months ago I was at -5 for this one so big improvement!)

Considering that I havent really had the heart to exercise since the end of round 2 & even though my name was on the books for round 3 I just didnt make the cut. I was complacent, I became lazy & I fell back into old habits very easily.

Anyhow I am off for another 3km walk since thats how far it is for a round trip to the shops! I forgot to get baking powder & am wanting to make up some Mish approved banana bread. Hopefully it freezes well cause I think it might be handy for those mornings that are rushed before university! I also am going to change it a little so that Tilly can have some since it will be dairy free :) Surely that should make the cals a little lower too but will check it all first.

Almost forgot my daily quote for you all

Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can.

Cath xoxo

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