Well this one has been tough for me. I have thought for a week or so since this was released on how best to approach this task. Goals are tough to set. I know everyone has dreams but in the same token you need to be able to achieve the goals you set otherwise you set up for failure. I decided to set mine up in a fashion of goals that I know I can achieve with some that are beyond my control but still doable within the limits given.
I have always been one to say when I get to this weight ill jsut enter the date! No more! I have set myself mini challenges and I really do want to achieve them. Something as simple as being able to do a pushup is a goal since we do alot of these at circuit training. Same with burpees, crunches and situps! I want to be able to run and keep up with the group rather than lag behind. I can do this! I know I can as long as I put in the hard yards!
Between now and 21st June
* I will get myself another gym outfit
* I will attend circuit class 3 times a week at the gym
* I will do at least 10km on the cross trainer twice a week
* I will aim to drink at least 2 litres of water per day
* I will change my eating habits to become healthier
* I will drink green tea #GOGREEN
* I will no longer drink hot choc
* I will no longer snack once dinner is finished and after 9pm its game over!
1 month
* I will last through at least half of circuit class without stopping
* I will be running at least 1km non stop
* I will be able to do a decent pushup
* I will be able to do 10 burpees in succession without stopping
* I will be able to do 15 crunches properly
* I will be able to do 10 situps properly
* I will continue to keep with my healthy eating plan
* I will continue to follow Michelles instruction
* I will continue to attend circuit class 3 times a week
* I will do at least 15km on the cross trainer
* I will continue to drink 2 litres of water
* I will have lost at least 2kg
2 months
* I will last through at least three quarters of circuit class without stopping
* I will be running at least 2km non stop
* I will be able to do 10 pushups
* I will be able to do 20 burpees in succession without stopping
* I will be able to do 20 crunches properly
* I will be able to do 15 situps properly
* I will continue to keep with my healthy eating plan
* I will continue to follow Michelles instruction
* I will continue to attend circuit class 3 times a week
* I will do at least 20km on the cross trainer
* I will continue to drink 2 litres of water
* I will have lost at least 4kg
3 months
* I will last through a whole circuit class session without stopping
* I will be running at least 3km non stop
* I will be able to do 15 pushups
* I will be able to do 25 burpees in succession without stopping
* I will be able to do 20 crunches properly
* I will be able to do 15 situps properly
* I will continue to keep with my healthy eating plan
* I will continue to follow Michelles instruction
* I will continue to attend circuit class 3 times a week
* I will continue to do at least 20km on the cross trainer
* I will continue to drink 2 litres of water
* I will have lost at least 6kg and be weighing in at around 68kg!
6 months
* I will continue to attend circuit class 3 times a week
* I will be running at least 5km non stop
* I will be able to do 30 pushups
* I will be able to do 30 burpees in succession without stopping
* I will be able to do 25 crunches properly
* I will be able to do 20 situps properly
* I will continue to keep with my healthy eating plan
* I will continue to follow Michelles plan even though 12WBT is finished
* I will continue to attend circuit class 3 times a week
* I will continue to do at least 30km on the cross trainer
* I will continue to drink 2 litres of water
* I will have lost at least 8kg and be weighing in at around 66kg!
12 months
* I will continue to attend circuit class 3 times a week
* I will be running at least 10km non stop
* I will be able to do 50 pushups
* I will be able to do 50 burpees in succession without stopping
* I will be able to do 30 crunches properly
* I will be able to do 20 situps properly
* I will continue to keep with my healthy eating plan
* I will continue to follow Michelles plan even though 12WBT is finished
* I will continue to attend circuit class 3 times a week
* I will be able to do at least 40km on the cross trainer
* I will continue to drink 2 litres of water at least every day
* I will have lost at least 10kg and be weighing in at around 64kg!
* I will be fit, healthy and I WILL LOOK AMAZING!
Future goals
* My main aim is to be finally back into a size 12 (although would love 10) and maintain that weight consistently. I also want to finally get rid of this muffin top that I have acquired throughout my childbirth years. 4 kidlets does funny things to your body ;)
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