Saturday, June 5, 2010

I didnt think i could but now I know I can!

I was so impressed with my calories burnt yesterday during a walk followed by circuit class that I had to blog about it to show myself in print that I CAN DO IT!! 

Walking 2.5km – 283 Cals burnt

Circuit Class 1 hour duration!

Light jog around the block
2mins of steps
20 star jumps
2 mins steps
20 star jumps
a further jog to the park
20 burpees
20 star jumps
20 burpees
20 star jumps
More jogging to quiet street
Run to first witches hat and back for 2 mins (uphill)
30 sec break
Run to second witches hat and back for 2 mins (uphill)
30 sec break
Run to third witches hat and back for 2 mins (uphill)
30 sec break
Run to fourth witches hat and back for 2 mins (uphill)
30 sec break
Sprint training – jog to first hat, sprint to second, jog to thrd, sprint to fourth, jog back to first and go again. Repeat x 6 times. All up hill for the sprints/jog, down hill on way back
Back to gym jogging with arm in air
General punching 2 mins
20 pushups
Uppercuts 2 mins
20 pushups
Wide swings 2 mins
20 pushups
Punch upwards while on knees 2 mins
20 pushups
Push trainer backwards
Lunge walk to next area
3 weighted balls raised about head 5 times each
10 burpees
Sit-ups until everyone has done the above 4 things!
Cool down stretches and we were all done!

Needless to say I was stuffed when I had finished but in the same token felt so good when I looked down at my HRM and realised I had burnt 981 cals!! Total for the class and the walk – 1263 calories!!!!! So stoked! Alot of things I didnt finish properly but I attempted evenything the PT threw at us! I will get better each time I go and if im burning those cals not even doing ever little thing imagine if I was! The ladies there were so nice too. always telling me how well I was going for my first time and getting me to get a few more strides out in a jog or even a few punches or pushups. They were amazing! One of them was like a machine! She is so well toned and looks amazing! I couldnt believe it when I found out she is almot 50yrs old!!! I would have given her maybe 35, 40 at the most!! She is so fit! and also I now find out my daughters best friends She is a fitness fanatic! Gym 3 times a week karate, tennis, golf you name it she does it every week. I was tired from just hearing what she does! anyhow she reckons she is coming to get me 3 times a week for this circuit class....we shall see ;)

Even went to the movie last night to see SATC2. Usually I would get a mega meal with an ice cream but not last night! I got a small popcorn and a bottle of water! I even didn’t get tempted by the stop at McDonalds after midnight when we were heading home! So proud of myself. Maybe this is all just starting to become habit. Heres hoping there is no falling off any wagons this time around!

Surprisingly, im not sore this morning either....WOOHOO!!!

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