Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pre Season Task 1 - Introduce yourself!

Well here we go again but its all good for the mind to keep on track :)

Hi all,

I am Cath from country NSW! I am a stay at home mum & housewife. For those that have done round 2 with me, they will know that my journey has not only been about weight loss but also a journey of finding myself. I also have come to realise that this is my personal journey & that just cause everyone else is losing large amounts, that does not mean that I should be depressed if my amounts are small.

During round 3 I am aiming to lose those final kilos which is somewhere around the 5kg mark! I never would have thought 12 weeks ago that I could say I only have 5kg to lose!!! WooHoo!!

For me the 12WBT has not only helped me eat better, but also my family is eating better! One of my teen daughters actually commented the other day at how much healthier she is feeling & the energy she now has!. Without this program I would still be lost in my black hole that I had been in for so long. Michelle & Amelia have both helped me realise that I am worth it BUT only I can lose this weight. This is something only I can do. No-one can lose this weight for me!

April 28th 2010 was the day I quit smoking cold turkey! Who would have thought that 5mth later I would still be a non smoker, not even craving for the nicodemon anymore & I am now running (although a little injured atm). I go to the gym 3 times a week & the rest of the time I am full time mummying/wifeing to my hubby & 4 kidlets (16,14,11,2). I am turning 34 on 22nd September & I know that this birthday will be one of many to come now I have made the healthy choice to get my life on the track it should be!

Sending Great big hugs to all those who are part of my round 2 family and are her for round 3 and sending more hugs to those new peeps starting the transformation journey & are due to become part of my family!

Mwah! xoxo

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